How Wolves Change Rivers

Let's be the change we want to see. What small changes can we ignite this week to be more open, more kind, and more collaborative? Whatever our role is, large or small, we play a part in the trophic cascade happening all around us. Small changes can generate impacts far beyond the initial effort.

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Have you met ALICE?

Across the U.S., the ALICE Essentials Index has increased at a higher rate than the CPI for more than fifteen years. From 2007 to 2023, the average annual rate of increase for the ALICE Essentials Index was 3.3%, while the CPI increased by 2.5% on average. For context, the median wage for the most common occupation in the U.S., a retail salesperson, increased 2.8% annually from 2007 to 2022 (the latest data available). The sustained lag behind the actual cost of basic goods equates to a loss of more than $26,000 over the past 15 years for a retail salesperson — more than a full year’s earnings.

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