LAURA JARAMILLOexplores Pathways to Homeownership in Houston, Harris County

This is a wonderful Kinder Institute blog by Laura Jaramillo about homeownership pathways in our neck of the woods.

The dream of homeownership remains an enduring aspiration for countless individuals and families across the United States. However, the reality often falls short, especially in urban areas grappling with housing affordability challenges, including Houston.

According to the 2023 State of Housing report by the Kinder Institute for Urban Research, 58% of households in the city were renters in 2021, while 45% of Harris County households rented during the same period. For these renters, accessing the financial stability to become future homeowners, including a strong credit score and savings toward a down payment and closing costs, is often out of reach — and it is becoming only more difficult…… LAURA JARAMILLO